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Company Information

Qualified Plan Consultants (QPC) is a cutting edge employee benefit consulting firm that provides record-keeping, administration and actuarial services for qualified retirement plans. QPC specializes in the design, installation and administration of all types of qualified retirement plans. QPC fully understands all aspects of the retirement plan service model from recordkeeping & administration to investment representation and accounting. The retirement plan experience is made much easier with an expert who can communicate with all parties involved.

Qualified Plan Consultants (QPC) can be involved as much or as little in the servicing of the retirement plan as the situation dictates. QPC can act in an administration only or Recordkeeping only capacity if needed. However, nowadays with the threat of litigation as high as it has ever been, it is important to consider partnering with a someone who will act as an investment fiduciary to the plan as well. Ensuring that the fiduciary liability of the Plan Sponsor be kept as low as possible.

Qualified Plan Consultants (QPC) does however believe that a financial advisor, investment consultant or other financial intermediary is a vital part of a plan remaining in compliance and operating smoothly. QPC works through financial intermediaries only.
